AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ Beta Status

Here you can try the most recent version of the application - these features, which are not officially released yet, but worth to try, or some quick fixes, are available in Beta builds. Feel free to try new builds listed here (if available), or just take a look at the list of planned features we are going to implement as time will allow.

 Or, download the Portable version by clicking here Download AllMyNotes Organizer most recent Portable beta version.

What's new in latest Beta builds?

Aug 5, 2023 - Version 4.11 build 1277 (beta):

Beta update, includes a cumulative set of updates from parallel version 3.xx, and, testing of major two new feature which are now under testing phase: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, both features are not included in the stable version yet.


• The Alarm/Reminder icon in the text editor now appears as half-transparent when disabled, allowing for easy visual identification.

• Enhanced import/export functionality for HTML format, resulting in improved preservation of CSS formatting. This improvement also extends to pasting data from web browsers, ensuring better retention of the original formatting.

Enhanced Global Search functionality for faster and more accurate results, allowing you find the information you need even better than before.

• Improved HTML parser, fixed couple of issues with pasting formatted text from third-party applications (particularly, from QT Creator, there was an issue with incorrect recognition of CSS formatting).

• Includes an update of Windows Platform SDK, compiled using new version of Visual Studio, which includes some additional optimizations, fixes, and security enhancements.


• Resolved an issue with rounding calculation results. For instance, "0.6+4.24+4.46=" now correctly results in 9.3, while it was previously displaying as 9.2. The problem has been fixed.

• Fixed issue with launching file attachments. Greatly reworked the way we open default application associated to a file extension.

• Fixed crash on program startup, which it could be caused by invalid values in certain config file entries as result of maual file edit. Now AllMyNotes checks for values validity better and will not crash if something was entered with mistake.

• Fixed an issue with printing notes that resulted in distorted formatting or missing content. Printing now accurately reflects the original note layout.

• Resolved an issue that caused occasional lag or slow response when working with large note collections, resulting in smoother performance and improved responsiveness.

• Some other updates and fixes.

Sep 16, 2022 - Version 4.10 build 1275 (beta):

Beta update, includes a cumulative set of updates from parallel version 3.xx, and, testing of major two new feature which are now under testing phase: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, both features are not included in the stable version yet.


• Added Esperanto localization! Many thanks to Dmitriy Popov for this effort!

• Many-many improvements in HTML/CSS parser, which is involved in copy/paste and dragl&drop from browsers and third-party programs related to preserving original formating as close to original as possible.

• Includes an update of Windows Platform SDK, compiled using new version of Visual Studio, which includes some additional optimizations, fixes, and security enhancements.

• Export of images and attached files within exported HTML files is working better. The link from exported HTML file is relative to HTML file (previously it was absolute file path). Relative file path allows easy relocation of exported files to any other folder/disk without loosing link between files.

• Improved installer/downloader stub is also switched, it got smaller and a little bit smarter.

• Slightly reduced CPU usage when rendering text in text editor.

• Includes cumulative update on all recent SDKs we rely on - PNG, Jpeg, Spell checking libraries, and some others.

• Improved pasting and Drag > Drop HTML text from web-browsers from pages with excessive CSS formatting, more formatting is recognized, which improves quality of pasted text.

• Added new, privacy-oriented, search engine Qwant to the list of suggested search providers (can be selected via Tools -> Options -> Tools -> Internet -> Search Engine Service).

• Improved undo/redo memory management efficiency - it releases old (unused) big data blocks (ex: images, big file attachments) if not used for long time. Since version 3.44 undo/redo buffer is saved on switching between notes, and, as result, it may get quite big. This enhancement is aimed to make memory usage even more robust and savvy.


• Fixed issue in the Boolean Search feature (in Global search) - it could find words that are actually parts of other words even when "Match Whole Word Only" option was enabled.

• Fixed issue with saving Deluxe activation codes on some systems with tight OS security settings (when no access tot he registry was permitted).

• Fixed installer, in Windows Vesta, 7, 8 (possibly also XP) it was not remembering old installation path, which was introducing inconveniences for users who upgrade and the installation folder is different from default one.

• Fixed issue with re-painting text editor in some circumstances (particularly, on scrolling big tables).

• Fixed issue with preventing Windows from automatic sleep mode by inactivity when list of active alarms was active on systems previous to Windows 10.

• Fixed issue with saving preferences on some system configurations.

• Fixed issue with slow search in huge databases - increased text cache size so less I/O operations is performed.

• Fixed issue in check for updates. On older systems there could be an error with establishing secure SSL connection as some systems where missing new root certificates, and, as result, check for updates was not working there.

• Some other updates and fixes.

September 28, 2021 - Version 4.09 build 1254 (beta):


• Improved Sound Themes - more sound file formats are supported.

• Implemented some improvements in pasting HTML text with excessive CSS formatting. As result, text pasted from browsers may match text formatting better to original source. Note: in this beta version improvement is even better than similar improvement in version 4.45 (which was released two weeks ago), as we've added additional improvements since that time.

• Added Slovak language spelling dictionary to our site (needs to be downloaded/installed manually).


• Fixed random crash issue on program startup when data is loaded from slow disk/media. Mainly it was happening in Portable version in combination with slow USB media, but also could happen if data file was placed on slow network drive.

• Fixed issue in the Installer, on some system it was still running in the background after installation, was needed to kill it with the Task Manager.

• The installer/downloader now better handles scenario with bad Internet connection/firewall - previously it could show "no Internet" message while the firewall was prompting user about Internet access permission. Now, the downloader offers Retry option, so it it can continue without need to restart the installer.

July 19, 2021 - Version 4.08 build 1251 (beta):


• New feature: Undo/Redo is saved on switching between notes until: (1) logout from the program, or, (2) switching data files. Undo/redo history may take some RAM, therefore we've added a number of options to the allmynotes.cnfg file in case if someone would love to tune it up for himself. See entries that start with: UndoRedoEnableSavingHistoryOnSwithingNotes, UndoRedoMaxDocsCountToKeepHistoryOnSwitchingNotes, UndoRedoMinStepsPerDoc, UndoRedoMaxStepsPerDoc, UndoRedoMaxSizeInMbForAllSavedDocs, UndoRedoMaxSizeInMbForEditedDoc, UndoRedoMaxSizeInMbForSavedDoc.

• AllMyNotes Organizer was tested for compatibility with Windows 11 using Windows 11 Insider Preview. Observed and corrected couple of minor things, corrected them, and, also, we can tell, even all older versions of AllMyNotes Organized should work in new Windows 11 well :)

• Implemented number of new data file integrity checks. Now the program is able to automatically recover from some more complex scenarios when data file is partially damaged due to disk error, or, sudden disk removal (which is a frequent case for USB media when users incorrectly moves the media).

• Updated to the new version of SDKs we are relying to. Particularly, new Visual Studio update.

• Added extended error reporting to the .log file, which will help us diagnose issues better/faster.

• Added additional caching layer which improves program startup performance. Especially, it's noticeable for big data files.


• Many corrections and fixes in translations of AllMyNotes Organizer to 20+ languages. There were cases, when some strings were translated but due to an error from localizer's end were not correctly identified, and, therefore, these strings from were taken from English language.

• Fixed issue with incorrect USB drive removal and immediate insertion back. AllMyNotes is supposed to keep working correctly, while in some cases it was not able to recover, which lead to error message that edited data cannot be saved.

• Fixed issue with "Cannot load skin. Unable to start application." error message which had place after upgrade for some users.

• Fixed issue with random crash on Windows 7 startup when program is configured to start with Windows, it was specific to certain system configuration.

• Some other minor updates and fixes.

Apr 28, 2021 - Version 4.07 build 1246 (beta):


• Improved automatic backups - as this process may require a lot of system resources for big data files, AllMyNotes now will do them in time of inactivity, when user is not typing text and even not interacting with the program with a mouse for some time. Also, automatic backups will be delayed for at least 5 minutes after program launch time, this will also fixes issue with backuping to LAN/NAS storage on Windows startup - these drives are being mounted with some delay. Addresses issue reported on this Forum thread

Less messages on initial startup are shown - check for updates and Deluxe edition trial expiration warnings are delayed until inactivity time.


• Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts conflict. Particularly, some keyboard shortcuts for switching Virtual Desktops (ex: Win+Ctrl+Left/Right arrows) where not working when AllMyNotes has input focus.

• Some other minor updates and fixes.

Mar 29, 2021 - Version 4.06 build 1243 (beta):


• Fixed issue in Sound Themes - sounds was not playing on some cases after period use until next program restart.

• Fixed crash on program startup - the program could randomly quit without any error message on startup. Luckily it was happening occasionally so majority of users where not affecter or managed to launch it from second attempt.

• Fixed issue with data defragmentation. At some point there was a condition when defragmentation was not able some complex scenarios and stopped. As result data file defragmentation was not working for some users, mainly for old heavily fragmented files.

• Fixed issue in uppercase/lowercase/mixedcase feature. One extra char in the end of selection was affected.

• Some other minor updates and fixes.

Mar 5, 2021 - Version 4.05 build 1241 (beta):


• Greatly improved HTML parser which is involved in pasting web-pages from browser and on importing HTML files. Now we support much more CSS styles. As result formatting of text pasted from web must be much better!

• Some minor improvements in the Sound Themes feature.

• A little bit improved skin Holy Crown (the default one).

• Some other minor updates and fixes.

Jan 14, 2021 - Version 4.04 build 1237 (beta):


• Improved Sound Themes feature. Particularly, now it's easy to turn all sounds on/off thanks to newly added toolbar button.


• Fixed issue with sound on mouse hovering over buttons - a hovering sound was expected to be played.

• Fixed program fatal exception error issue on playing certain .wav sounds as sound themes.

• Some other minor updates and fixes.

Dec 1, 2020 - Version 4.03 build 1234 (beta):


• Major new feature: Sound Themes! Now you can hear AllMyNotes Organizer! Keyboard sounds like a typewriter, mouse moves, cursor position changes, nearly every aspect of UI experience has its sound! Every sound can be customized and enabled/disabled in Options -> Interface -> Sounds. Yet the feature is bit fresh, we are going to improve this feature, polish the sounds, make it easier to turn/off all sounds, add more themes, etc. Would be nice to have your comments/thoughts/ideas on it. Perhaps you have nice sound files that can be used (under freely distributable license)?

• Improved skin "Fresh MD", many minor touches.

• Modified skin Holy Crown. Window title, buttons background color, menu selection color, main toolbar look, changed look of some icons of the Outliner (left-hand side tree view).

• Window can be normalized (restored from maximized state) by simply dragging its caption.

• Improved window snapping, now it restores window size to original normal window size on detaching it from left/right/top screen corners.

• Printing window: Cancel button got renamed to Close as it saves all settings but skips printing itself.

• For skin makers button font color now can be specified separately - for normal, pressed, highlighted, and disabled button state. See FontColorBtnNormal, FontColorBtnPressed, FontColorBtnHighlighted, and FontColorBtnDisabled configuration entries respectively.

• Double press on Enter key ends bulleted/numbered list, this allows quickly stop tabification, bulleted and numbered lists by double click on the Enter key. It works same way as in Google Docs.

Down key creates new text line when cursor is in the very last text position. Similarly to Enter key behavior.

• Greatly improved Global Search feature - now search results shows full path to found note/folder, and, it better highlights matched text - it displays an exact text line content/place where text occurrence is found.

• Global Search for text now seeks text in Alarm descriptions. It works for all kind of alarms - within text and these which are associated to tree item (displayed next to note description text).

• Improved Global Search result list - folder path now displays caption first and only then full item hierarchy tree path, which is much more readable.

• Up/down buttons in the Global Search result list no longer pass focus to do not end up in the auto-completion drop-down list, which makes it easier to use this window with keyboard only.

• Implemented search result highlighting in the text editor. It was already working in the past, but do to a conflict with another feature it was disabled. Now it's back to normal state and works as expected :)

• Much improved RTF parser, it better parses non-ASCII (non-English) characters, which was leading to issued from software Zenno Poster (possibly there is others that put data in the clipboard in similar format). Also improved pasting from Visual Studio, now pasted source code respects font name better.

Default font name is changed from Segoe UI to Corbel. It looks like more readable and equally elegant.

• We've upgraded project from Visual Studio 2017 to Visual studio 2019, now AllMyNotes is compiled using all the latest SDKs from Microsoft.


• Fixed issue with importing note captions from Evernote's .enex format.

• Fixed issue with cursor disappearing if to press Up/Down arrow when it in the first/last text position.

• Fixed issue with launching file attachment by double-clicking on them in the document. On some systems there was an error "Cannot launch path and file name file. It appears that system has no application associated to this file extension.". Now it should not happen anymore.

• Fixed issue with saving settings after an upgrade. It wasn't happening on systems with elevated security settings. Configuration file was not available for saving due to file access permissions. As result of this fix the config file name got changed from allmynotes.ini to allmynotesN.cnfg.

• Fixed issue with restoring selected item and note scroll/cursor position on program restart. It was working correctly in old versions but due to recent optimizations it was not functioning correctly in recent versions.

• Fixed issue with transparency in the text editor - check-box/object background color, as, as well as alpha-transparency in images was displayed in black color when it was selected/highlighted. The issue seems to be specific to recent few minor versions.

• Fixed issue with crash on switching data file via menu item File -> Recent Files.

• Fixed issue with unintended windows size increase on moving it, it was happening on fast mouse movement on slow systems.

• Fixed issue with window snapping keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10.

• Fixed issue in some localized error messages - in some cases it wasn't displaying correctly all the information related to an issue.

• Fixed issue with slow program startup time on some system configurations.

• Fixed issue when user launches another instance of AllMyNotes while first instance is still launching and ask for a password, there where error message shown about data file being exclusively locked, now it will not happen.

• Fixed issue with importing text with ASCII codes < 0x20.

• Fixed occasional crash issue when switching between different data files.

• Fixed issue with Alarms/Reminders being displayed with delay linked to incorrect time zone settings on certain systems.

• Fixed few minor usability happening on Linux/Mac emulation mode (in WineHQ environment).

• Fixed installer issue which was leading to incorrect file associations on Windows XP and 7. As result .ddb file extensions where not properly associated to AllMyNotes and could not be opened by double-click.

• Fixed issue with crash on pasting from Surflater knowledgebase program. This issue potentially could have place on pasting from some other software titles which are using similar HTML format structure.

• Many, many more minor updates and fixes.

Oct 14, 2019 - Version 4.02 build 1212 (beta):

Beta update to prepare the release of version 4.xx. Major two new feature which are now under active development: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, other new features will be added after final release (as we usually do, final release means only beginning :)


• Greatly reworked/improved new skin "Fresh MD". We've invested huge amount of work in it - new UI elements look ideas, we've re-aligned all icons and graphical elements to make them stick to pixel corners to make them look sharper and natural. Once again, many thanks to Roger Collin for initial design of this artwork :) Based on Material Design icon set.


• Few minor refinements and fixes.

Aug 26, 2019 - Version 4.01 build 1207 (beta):

This this is a quick fix of recent version 4.01 build 1206, there was an issue in Tools -> Options window, the program was crashing on opening Options window. Now it's fixed, please sorry for inconvenience it caused.

Aug 22, 2019 - Version 4.01 build 1206 (beta):

Beta update to prepare the release of version 4.xx. Major two new feature which are now under active development: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, other new features will be added after final release (as we usually do, final release means only beginning :)


• Added New Skin "Fresh MD". Yet it's bit fresh and many things will be improved, we'll do it very soon, while in this version it's already worth to try. Many thanks to Roger Collin for this artwork :) Based on Material Design icon set. By the way, there is even one more skin on a horizon, it looks like version 4.xx will have 2 brand new skins.

• Updated Spanish localization to include new strings and corrected some old translations. Many thanks to Carlos Rodríguez Carro for this work.

• Revised/Updated Russian translation - corrected number of strings to better reflect meaning to of original text.

• Added new "Fun" Russian translation. Many unusual wordings will make users of this language smile :)

• Improved text editing performance when there is many .png images with transparency on a screen. There where some performance lags.

• Improved smooth scrolling, we've made issues with screen refresh speed to avoid flickering (on slow machines).

• The program should work better on Linux and Mac (AllMyNotes Organizer works there just as native app in Wine mode), we've made few minor tweaks to make it work better on Wine environment.

• Implemented few file access performance enhancements. Though our database performance is already exceptionally good, we've added additional improvements to caching system which makes random disk access smarter (less seek operations).

Lite edition shows less information about Deluxe edition, we've removed number of notification and informational messages.


• Fixed few scenarios in built-in synchronization algorithm that could lead to incorrect synchronization.

• Fixed issue with folder/note caption in-place editing in left-hand hierarchy tree. When it's out of screen, in some cases edit field was invisible (example: when selected item was the last visible item in the list, newly created folder/note had no edit box visible).

• We've made file access permission denied error more informative. Previously it was not clear whether file is inaccessible due to restrictive permissions, or, damaged.

• Fixed issue with Font names on exporting to RTF format. In recent version of AllMyNotes all font names where converted to Arial.

• Fixed issue with horizontal line separator, now now it's OK to enter more than 3 hyphens (---) to have them displayed as a horizontal line.

• Some other various refinements and fixes.

Mar 19, 2019 - Version 4.00 build 1200 (beta):


• Totally reworked HTML parser which is used on Web-clipping and importing from HTML. Now AllMyNotes respects much broader set of CSS styles and recent additions to HTML format. Particularly, you'll easily notice much better results on pasting from the Web when it comes to font names (if font name is not installed in the system AllMyNotes can find closest match), much smarter work with background coloring, generic text/spacing/line breaks formatting, much better work with Table formatting (particularly, WikiPedia tables), fixed number of issues with localized URLs, fixed number of issued with fetching images from the web, etc. etc.

• Updated Norwegian language localization. many thanks to Tor Sverstad for his effort.

• Implemented automatic splitting of imported notes when importing from HTML and RTF formats.

• Much improved import from InfoSelect. As since recently InfoSelect supports export to RTF format we can now import with saving text formatting and images, which makes data transition pretty smooth :)

• Improved data importing of data exported by AllMyNotes itself, works much better now - previously there was no automatic splitting to notes. Better import from data exported using AllMyNotes.

• Few minor improvements in automatic data synchronization algorithm.

• Implemented few enhancements related to allocation to huge memory blocks in 64-bit edition. Now, when the system is not able to allocate big linear memory block, AllMyNotes can split data block to few smaller memory blocks which allows allocation of much bigger data volumes on systems with heavily fragmented RAM.


• Fixed issue with incorrect displaying of some .png image files - color palette of some 8-bit encoded images was incorrect.

• Fixed issue with Portuguese spell-checker, the error was in dictionary file. If you are checking spelling in this language make sure to re-download dictionary file here

• Some other various refinements and fixes.

Dec 27, 2018 - Version 3.28 build 904 (beta):

Beta update to continue testing of major two new feature which are now under active development: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, both features are not included in the stable version which is also available in parallel with beta version.

Please note: this beta version doesn't accepts Deluxe code from old versions (1.xx and 2.xx), as it includes all new features included in officially released version 3.xx.


Improved skin Holy Crown. Many changes related to menus/colors/menu icons.

• Greatly improved Slovenian translation. Thanks to Stanislav Rupar his contribution!

Horizontal line sequence can be customized as described here

• Improved importing/pasting from HTML. Particularly fixed number of issues with pasting incorrectly formatted HTML from browsers, when HTML tag was including nested HTML tags. As result part of HTML code was pasted as regular text, not as formatting.

Improved activation procedure using Vouchers. From now on no need to visit our site to redeem vouchers and convert them to activation codes. Vouchers now can be entered just as activation codes.

• Added menu item Help -> Enter Activation Code to simplify activation procedure for Deluxe users.

• The manual is now can be localized to many languages and in the future it will correspond to selected user language. We've started from Japanese user manual, hopefully other languages will be supported soon.

• Updated to the new version of SDKs we are relying to.


• Fixed issue with incorrect displaying of some .png images - color palette of 8-bit encoded images was incorrect.

• Fixed issue with restoring window positions on some older Windows versions. Normally windows should appear at the same placement where they where before closing last time even after program restart.

• Some other minor refinements and fixes.

Sep 26, 2018 - Version 3.27 build 896 (beta):

Beta update to continue testing of major two new feature which are now under active development: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, both features are not included in the stable version which is also available in parallel with beta version.


Synchronization: optimized synchronization performance, improved conflict resolution algorithm.

• Greatly updated default skin "Holy Crown" to make it flat-like Windows 10 and Android concepts, which makes things more appealing. Majority of UI elements where retouched. If you are using older version, you need to upgrade just by this single reason - a better app look :)

• The project was updated to the new version of Visual Studio and SDKs.


• Fixed issue in automatic controls arrangement within window. For example, in some cases buttons could partially overlap in text search window with text search line.

• Fixed issue in the built-in calculator related to rounding numbers after decimal point, which, in some cases could lead to slightly incorrect computations. Here is an example: 19.99+17.00=36.98999999999999 (expected evaluation is 36.99).

• Fixed issue with incorrect file icon on .ddb data files. This icon should be same as the app icon as these files are launch-able.

• Fixed issue with pasting page source URL from web-browsers. Only first letter was pasted. The issue was specific to last minor version 3.25.

• Some other various refinements and fixes.

Jun 21, 2018 - Version 3.25 build 888 (beta):

Beta update to continue testing of major two new feature which are now under active development: synchronization and new 64-bit edition, both features are not included in the stable version which is also available in parallel with beta version.


Synchronization: big amount of improvements and fixes in the data synchronization algorithm. The sync algorithm itself got much smarter, can handle much more complex scenarios.

• Improved .txt file text encoding detection on importing and drag&drop of plain text files. Previously AllMyNotes was able to import .txt files encoded using ASCII encoding specified in Windows locale settings only. Now we got much smarter - we can detect file locale encoding automatically. We support all possible encodings - Unicode, UTF-x, Microsoft, CP, ISO, KOI8, etc... over 70+ encodings are supported which should cover all possible encodings, including old/obsolete ones.

• Improved import/export to .txt files. Particularly, we've added automatic conversion of checkox sequences to checkbox objects, which should ease work with them. Supported numerous Unicode checkox glyphs (ex: ✓✔☑🗹✅🗸☒☓✕✖✗✘), as well as plain text sequences (ex: [X] and [ ]).


• Fixed major security issue which, potentially could allow an unauthorized access to password-protected folders. Note: file-level encryption was not affected. Counting significance of this fix the upgrade is highly recommended.

May 7, 2018 - Version 3.24 build 886 (beta):

Beta update to continue new 64-bit edition testing, it also includes the synchronization feature, which is yet not included in official released builds.


Improved Skin "Deep": increased size of buttons, list headers, updated look of Tooltips, and some other minor refinement.

• Text editor enhancement: characters '-' and '_' are treated as part of a word. This way it's easier to select whole word with double-click, or jump over it using Ctrl+arrow. As these letters are part of complex passwords it makes sense to treat them as part of a word rather than a separator character.


• Fixed issue with app crash on dismissing and snoozing alarms. This issue was specific to majority of OS configurations.

• Fixed issue with specifying custom font size/name in the skin config file. Previously both (font name and font size) had to specified. If only of these was specified, the default font/size was applied to both.

Mar 19, 2018 - Version 3.23 build 877 (beta):

Beta update to continue new 64-bit edition testing, it also includes the synchronization feature, which is yet not included in officially released builds.


• Fixed issue in the in-text math calculator, particularly sin(PI) was resulting to 1.224646799147353e-16 (a very small number), while it should be simply 0.

• Fixed issue with saving dismissed and snoozed alarms. After app restart dismissed and snoozed alarms popped up again.

• Fixed issue with importing binary files to AllMyNotes Organizer using drag&drop to hierarchy tree. These files must be attached as file attachments. But in some cases it was not taking unacceptably long time so that the program got unresponsive. Also less ram is allocated on importing huge files.

• Fixed Start menu Help shortcut to point to the online manual rather than to outdated local help file.

• Fixed issue with pasting text and tables from Google Sheets.

Dec 13, 2017 - Version 3.22 build 875 (beta):

This this is a quick beta update, main target is to continue test of new 64-bit edition functionality/installer, and it also includes the synchronization feature, which is yet not included in official released builds.


• Slightly improved skin theme "Deep - Sharp" to be more contrast as recent changes to skin Deep where not always easy to look at on majority of monitors.

• The Manual has been moved online here. Having it online allows easy translation using automated content translation as in modern browsers it's a built-in feature.

• Added more characters to be recognized as a bulleted list: '+', '»', '«', '>', '<', '_', '^', '#', '$', '&', '@', '=', '|', '~', '?', '!', '%', ';', and ':'.


• Fixed few minor issues related to transition from 32-bit to 64-bit version.

• Applied additional fixed to displaying 8-bit PNG images, it was fixed in previous version but still was happening under certain circumstances.

Nov 6, 2017 - Version 3.21 build 866 (beta):

This this is a quick beta update, main target is to test new 64-bit edition functionality/installer.


• Introduced brand new 64-bit version of AllMyNotes Organizer :) 64-bit version will remove limitation of 32-bit systems, it can allocate much more RAM for app functionality (though we do not recommend to use AllMyNotes for storing extra mega huge notes) and it works bit faster. The installer is the same for 32- and 64-bit systems, so from user end it should be very simple - just download and install it, the installer will check your system and deploy 64-bit version if it can. Portable version .zip package simply includes both 32- and 64-bit versions.

• FREE Edition is now named as Lite Edition. Basically it's just a name change, Lite edition will be as free as Free edition, we'll always maintain unpaid version for these who cannot afford bells and whistlers.

• Menu item Reminders and Skins moved from Tools to View section of main menu bar.


• Restored high DPI (resolution) monitors support. It was not working well in few last versions, and was disabled as result or SDK update, now it's back to normal state, just as it was before.

• Fixed minor issue with maintaining selection after deletion of non-empty expanded folder.

• Fixed issue with displaying 8-bit PNG images, in some cases the palette was not correct. The issue is specific to recent version 3.20 only.

Note: When the app is in active Beta-testing state, new features are being added frequently, please expect new versions to be released every 2-3 weeks. So don't forget to visit us from time to time.

See also:

• Visit our Forum

Download page - get the latest released version.

What's new page - list of all changes in latest released builds (doesn't includes changes done in this Beta program).

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