About Vladonai Software ‹ Privacy Statement

Here at Vladonai Software, your security and privacy is of the highest importance to us. We take the following steps to protect your personal information:

General information

Vladonai Software also collects general demographic information about visitors to our site. The information we collect creates a broad picture of our population rather than focusing on any one individual. This information is used to continually refine our products and to identify the most popular areas of our site.

Personal Information

Vladonai Software collects basic contact information when you subscribe to our newsletter or fill in a contact form. This information will be used for administrative and identification purposes only and will not be shared with our partners or any third parties. Personal information is stored on Vladonai Software computers and is only accessed by authorized Vladonai Software personnel.

Information entered in AllMyNotes Organizer

All notes and other kind of information entered or stored in AllMyNotes is stored on your disk, locally. It never leaves your computer. We have no access to this information.

Use of Email Address

We NEVER SPAM!NO SPAM! We have very strict anti-spam policy. When you purchase from us, or subscribe to one of our newsletters we may ask you to submit your email address, physical address, or phone number. We use this information collected from you only to assist you. Once again, we send NO SPAM, and we never sell, transfer, nor share your contact information to any third party.

Vladonai Software may send out periodic emails to those who purchase our products or subscribe to one of our newsletters. If you wish to unsubscribe from these emails, instructions for doing so can be found at the bottom of said emails.

Use of Phone Numbers

When you purchase one our products or subscribe to one of our newsletters we ask you to submit your phone number(s). The only purpose of collecting your phone number(s) is to allow us to call you if there are any problems in processing your orders.

Like email addresses, we keep the phone numbers you submit to us safe, and never sell or transfer those email addresses to any third party.

Use of Physical Addresses

When you purchase one our products we may ask you to submit your Physical Address. The only purpose of collecting your Physical Address is for payment verification purposes and to allow us to mail you if there are any problems in processing your orders and other forms of communication with you have failed.

Like email addresses, we keep the Physical Addresses you submit to us safe, and never sell or transfer your Physical Address to any third party.

Encrypted credit card purchases

If you use a credit card to purchase a Vladonai Software product, the credit card number is encrypted as it passes over the Internet. Your credit card number is not kept or recorded by Vladonai Software or our computers - it is simply passed through to the credit card company to purchase the software. In this respect, buying software from Vladonai Software is similar to a credit card purchase at any store. Vladonai Software doesn't keeps your credit card number on a file.

More than anything, Vladonai Software tries to treat its customers as each one of us would like to be treated. We value our privacy and we value yours, too. It is our goal to make your experience with Vladonai Software a safe and positive experience.

Controlling your personal information

All purchased users are welcome to use our 24/7 license restore service at no cost at all.

You can request for full details on personal information which we hold about you. A tiny fee will be payable and a proof of identity is required. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please contact us.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, please contact us, we'll update our records accordingly. Especially this is essential to keep e-mail address up to the date for these who purchased a license to our software, particularly this will let you benefit from 24/7 license restore service.

If from whatever reason you'll feel uncomfortable with us holding any sort of information about you, you are welcome to contact us with a request of full or partial data removal. In some cases a proof of identity will be required. For example, removal of a purchased license from our database may harm your interests, as the purchased license will no longer be valid/legit.


Some of our pages use a feature of your browser called a "cookie." Cookies, by themselves, are not able to extract any personal information from you. This cookie automatically identifies your computer - but not you - to our servers when you visit our site. Unless you specifically tell us, Vladonai Software will never know who you are, even though we may assign your computer a cookie. Also, our web site can only read cookies created by our web site.

Cookies allow us to personalize our site for you and to provide you with information that fits your needs and desires.

If you prefer to keep your sessions totally untracked you are welcome to enable so called "Do Not Track" feature in your browser. Our web-site respect this policy for cookies, analytics, etc.

Links to other sites

The Web Site may contain links to other web sites. Vladonai Software does not monitor or control the content of such web sites or whether such web sites collect or process your personal data. Accordingly, Vladonai Software assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any kind of material available at such sites and recommends that you review the separate privacy policies of such sites.

Vladonai Software knows that your privacy is very important to you. We welcome questions and comments regarding this policy, so feel free to contact us.