SupportAllMyNotes Organizer manual ‹ Topic: How Search in All Notes and Folders

How Search in All Notes and Folders

AllMyNotes Organizer provides a powerful search capability that allows you to find information quickly - Global Search. It allows to search across all your Notes and Folders instantly.

How Search in All Notes and Folders:

1. Press F5, or, Tools | Global Search...

2. Type text to search for.

3. Found Notes and Folders will appear in the list in real-time, as text is typed.

4. Now you can either Go To needed Note/Folder by pressing Go To button, or, you can Filter found items, to see only Global Search result in Outliner tree by pressing Filter button. To turn filtering off press F4 button.

You can specify a case sensitive search by checking the Case Sensitive checkbox. When unchecked, both "Spirit" and "spirit" will be found, regardless of how the item was originally entered.

If you want to search for whole words, check Whole Words Only.

You can do advanced search using Google-like query language, check Boolean Search, and you will be able to specify that certain word must be present if you put '+' previously to searched word, and that word must not occur in searched text, in this case put '-' sign before the word.

Boolean query text example: '+Sun +Green -Moon', this query will find all texts with words Sun and Green inside, but will skip Notes/Folders where word Moon is found.

Search Troubleshooting

If you think that a Search has produced incorrect results, try to remove Boolean Search checkbox. In Boolean Search mode words that have no + or - signs have very little weight, and if at least one of these words is found, it's considered as perfect match, which is confusing in some cases.

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