Support ‹ AllMyNotes Organizer manual ‹ Topic: Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Generic operations:
F5 or F6 - Global Search
F4 - Turn on/off Global Search filtering (when this filtering is on, only folders/notes matching last Global Search criteria will be shown)
Shift+F4 or Ctrl+Shift+A - Turn on/off Global Search filtering + maintain current selection.
Ctrl+S - Save All data modifications to disk. Usually data is auto-saved with certain interval and upon exiting from program. Though this command is still need ed - if you want to move your file to USB stick, send by e-mail, or backup, without leaving the application, you might use this function
Tab - pass input focus to Next Control in dialog boxes (windows)
Ctrl+P- Print
Ctrl+F2 - Print Preview
Ctrl+Q - Exit application
Tree navigation and operations:
Menu key - Shows pop-up menu with list of operations allowed on selected item
Left arrow - Collapse selected folder
Right arrow - Expand selected folder
Alt+Left arrow or Ctrl+Backspace - Go to Previously selected item in the hierarchy
Alt+Right arrow or Shift+Backspace - Go to Next selected item in the hierarchy
Home - Jump to Root Folder (first item in the tree)
End - Jump to Last visible Item in the hierarchy
Space - Expand/Collapse selected folder
F7 or Ctrl+N or Ctrl+Shift+N - Create New Note
F11 or Ctrl+Shift+N - Create New Folder
F2 - Rename selected folder/document
Del - Delete selected note, folder, and all it content. Note: if selected folder, and folder is expanded, then will be deleted only folder content, and folder itself will remain
Enter - switches input focus to Note Editor (to switch focus back to Tree View, press Esc), if Note is selected. If you are currently renaming caption, Finalizing Renaming
Ctrl+X or Shift+Del - Cut selected document, or selected folder, with all sub-folders and sub-notes, to clipboard
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert - Copy selected document, or selected folder, with all sub-folders and sub-notes, to clipboard
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert - Paste clipboard content. If clipboard contains simple text, or rich-text data, new Note will be created and text will be pasted there
Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste Special, allow to select preferred item/text formatting
Ctrl+O or Alt+F9 - Sort Folder content. Brings up pop-up menu with sorting options
Ctrl+B - Toggle Bold text style for the selected caption
Alt+A - Insert/edit Alarm associated to selected item
Ctrl+Shift+C or Ctrl+0 (Ctrl+zero) or Ctrl+T or Ctrl+5 - Set/unset checkbox associated to selected item (unchecked item is also displayed with strike-through text effect)
Text Editor navigation and operations:
Menu key - Shows pop-up menu with list of operations allowed on selected text
Esc - Remove Selection, if no selection is made, Switch to Tree view
Ctrl+A - Select All text
Ctrl+L - Select current Line text
Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace - Undo last operation
Ctrl+Y or Shift+Z - Redo last operation
Ctrl+F - Find text
F3 or Ctrl+G - Find Next text occurrence
Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+G - Find Previous text occurrence
Ctrl+H - Replace text
Ctrl+Click - Open Hyperlink in browser window. If hyperlink is an e-mail, New E-mail message is being composed using your mail client
Shift+Alt+Click - Remove Hyperlink underline effect. This is needed if certain piece of text was recognized as URL by mistake
Tab - When multiple text lines is selected adds Tab indent to each selected line
Shift+Tab - When multiple text lines is selected removes Tab indent to each selected line
Ctrl+Shift+L or Ctrl+Shift+8 - Toggles bulleted list on/off. Works for single line and for multi-line text selection.
Ctrl+Shift+7 - Toggles numbered list on/off. Works for single line and for multi-line text selection.
Ctrl+X or Shift+Del - Cut selected text
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert - Copy selected text
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert - Paste clipboard content to cursor position
Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste Special, allow to select preferred text formatting
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V - Paste clipboard content to cursor position as Plain (unformatted) Text
Alt+C - Copy Text Formatting from current cursor position. Keyboard shortcut to so called "Format Painter" feature (works starting from version 3.06)
Alt+V - Paste Text Formatting. Keyboard shortcut to so called "Format Painter" feature (works starting from version 3.06)
Ctrl+D - Date stamp
Ctrl+M - Time stamp
Ctrl+B - Set selected text Bold
Ctrl+I - Set selected text Italic
Ctrl+U - Set selected text Underline
Ctrl+0 (Ctrl+zero) or Ctrl+T or Ctrl+5 - Set selected text Strike-Through
Ctrl+Shift+F - Change font face name
Ctrl+Shift+P - Change font size
Ctrl+Shift+> or Ctrl+ - Increase font size
Ctrl+Shift+< or Ctrl+ - Decrease font size
Ctrl+Alt+U or Ctrl+Shift+U - Make selected text Uppercase
Ctrl+Shift+D - Make selected text Lowercase
Ctrl+Alt+T - Make selected text Mixedcase
Shift+Enter - Finish bulleted list. Works when in bulleted list
Ctrl+Shift+Up - Move selected line up
Ctrl+Shift+Up - Move selected line down
Ctrl+Left - Jump to Next Word
Ctrl+Right - Jump to Previous Word
Ctrl+Up - Jump to Previous Paragraph
Ctrl+Down - Jump to Next Paragraph
Home - Jump to Paragraph Start
Ctrl+Home - Jump to Document Start
End - Jump to Paragraph End
Ctrl+End - Jump to Document End
PageUp - Jump one Page Up
PageDown - Jump one Page Down
Ctrl+Backspace - delete word before cursor position
Ctrl+Del - delete word after cursor position
Ctrl+O or Alt+F9 - Sort selected text or Table (table is sorted by selected colum)
Alt+A - insert an Alarm at the cursor position
Ctrl+Shift+C - insert a Checkbox at the cursor position
Ctrl+3 - insert a Checkbox + Date Stamp + Time Stamp at the cursor position
Ctrl+T or F12- insert a Table at the cursor position
Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow - insert new Row in to a Table, above from the currently selected row
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow or Ctrl+Enter or Alt+R - insert new Row in to a Table, below from the currently selected row
Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow - insert new Column in to a Table, before the currently selected colum
Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow or Ctrl+Alt+R- insert new Column in to a Table, after the currently selected colum
Ctrl-Shift-H or Ctrl+K - insert/edit Hyperlink (URL, E-mail, Phone, local File, other Note)
Global Search window:
F3 or Ctrl+F - Go To currently selected item.
Color Menu:
+ (plus) - Increase palette colors brightness.
- (minus) - Decrease palette colors brightness.
Note: you can also use mouse wheel to increase/decrease color brightness.
Window position:
Win+Top - Maximize window. To restore original window position press Win+Down when window is maximized.
Win+Down - Minimize window
Win+Left - Align window to Left corner of the screen (to restore original window position press Win+Right)
Win+Right - Align window to Right corner of the screen (to restore original window position press Win+Left)
Note: Window position shortcuts are same as in Windows 7 Aero Snap feature, however, in AllMyNotes these shortcuts work in all Windows versions! Also you can attach window to left, right, and top corners of the screen, same as in Windows 7 Aero Snap, except that it will work in all Windows versions!
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