SupportAllMyNotes Organizer manual ‹ Topic: How to Copy Text Formatting quickly

How to Copy Text Formatting quickly

AllMyNotes Organizer includes so called "Format Painter" feature which allows to copy-paste text formatting quickly. Text formatting includes text color, background color, font name, font size, and font style.

How to use Format Painter using the toolbar:

1. Place cursor on the text you want to copy formatting from.

2. Click on the "Format Painter" toolbar button.

3. Using the mouse left button simply select text range you want to apply formatting to. Note: press left mouse button down on the beginning of the text, keep the left mouse button pressed, and move it to the end of text fragment you want apply formatting to. Now, release the mouse button.

How to use Format Painter using keyboard shortcuts:

1. Place cursor on the text you want to copy formatting from.

2. Press Alt+C

3. Using the mouse left button simply select text range, or, using arrows+Shift key do text range selection you want to apply formatting to, press Alt+V.

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