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How to create Alarms
AllMyNotes Organizer can help you with remember about everything - it will notify you on birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, calls, and any other kind of event you want to be notified about.
Use Alarms to remind yourself on an event mentioned in a note or folder. You can assign Alarms to your Folders and Notes.
Multiple alarm objects can be inserted to the Note and placed at any text position.
Each alarm can be single-date event, or repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Also interval between alarms, and alarm end date (for repeating alarms) can be set.
To set an Alarm for Folder or Note
1. From the Outliner, choose the Folder or Note
2. Right-click on it, and from appeared pop-up menu select Properties | Alarm...
3. In appeared Alarm window enter alarm date, time, optionally you can enter description, make it repeating, and specify interval and end date.
As result an Alarm icon will appear before Folder/Note caption. You can edit it by clicking on it.
To insert Alarm in to the Note text
1. Select or Create the Note where you want to place Alarm. This might be a Note containing birthdays of anniversaries of your friends
2. Select Edit | Insert | Alarm...
3. In appeared Alarm window enter alarm date, time, optionally you can enter description, make it repeating, and specify interval and end date.
As result an Alarm icon will appear at cursor position. You can edit it by clicking on it.
You can insert multiple Alarm Objects in to the text - as many as you want.
Responding to alarms
When an alarm occurs, you will receive both a visual indicator window and an audible tone. You can elect to be reminded again in desirable amount of minutes by pressing the Snooze button. This is handy when you are busy doing something which you need to complete before attending to an appointment.
Usage ideas
Aside of birthdays and anniversaries there is many-many other type of events we might be notified about, here is some ideas:
• Monthly bills: utility, rent, education, health/car/house insurance, cell phone, Internet, etc. Timely payments saves penalties or disconnections.
• Financial events: taxes, ATM card expirations, credit card payments, etc.
• Events notifications: meetings, calls, dates, appointments, releases of long awaited products (ex: movies, books, musical albums), and so on...
• Reminders on appointments: Barber shop, doctor visit, vaccination, SPA visits, etc.
• Expiration dates: official documents, software/cloud service subscriptions, products in your fridge and first aid kit, insurances, etc.
• Vacation dates and holidays, including local and national public holidays in places where you live and you are about to visit. Religious holiday dates and events.
• Education-related events: webinars, exams, daily schedule, excursions, vacations. For you, or your kids.
• Deadlines, set reminders in advance to be prepared.
• Schedule backups - save photos/important files/contacts/emails/e.g. from your cloud storage/phone/computer to safe location.
• Schedule security-related activity - to change passwords in online accounts, online banking, etc. It's always a good idea to change passwords frequently.
There is a 1000+ other appliances for alarms/reminders, just turn on your imagination, and your life will be efficient as never before :)
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