Support ‹ AllMyNotes Organizer manual ‹ Topic: How to use the Calculator/Math
How to use the Calculator/Math
AllMyNotes Organizer has a Calculator built-in to the text editor. It can automatically evaluate math expressions typed anywhere in the text editor. Just type 1+1= and 2 will appear automatically. It's that easy.
Supported math Operations and Functions:
+ - Addition operation.
- - Substraction operation.
* or x - Multiplication operation.
/ - Division operation.
^ - Power operation.
() and {} - Parentheses can be used to Group terms as in a standard expression.
ABS - Absolute Value function.
SQRT - Square Root function.
LOG - Log base 10 function.
LN - Natural Log function.
EXP - Exponential function.
SIN - Sine function
COS - Cosine function
TAN - Tangent function.
COT - Cotangent function.
ARCSIN - Arcsine function.
ARCCOS - Arccosine function.
ARCTAN - Arctangent function.
SINH - Hyperbolic Sine function.
COSH - Hyperbolic Cosine function.
TANH - Hyperbolic Tangent function.
ARSINH - Inverse Hyperbolic Sine function.
ARCOSH - Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine function.
ARTANH - Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function.
INT - Integer Rounding function.
RAD - the Arc of a given angle function.
DEG - the angle of an arithmetic expression in degrees function.
SIGN - Sign function.
PI - π constant (equal to 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510).
PHI - golden ratio constant (φ is equal to 1.618033988749894848204586834).
1 + 2 = 3
(2 + 2) x 2 = 8
2 + 2 x 2 = 6
cos(PI) / sin(PI / 2) = -1
int(1.98) = 1
See also: How to insert a Horizontal Line
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