AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.83

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What's new in Version 2.83

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.83

Release date: April 1, 2015 - 9 years ago


• Greatly reworked Arabic localization to include all newly introduced texts and huge amount of old texts were revised/corrected.

• Implemented sorting text within single table cell.


• On creating new hyperlink within text the cursor is placed after hyperlink text. Previously it was highlighting whole text, which could lead to accidental hyperlink deletion if to do not unselect hyperlink text and type something at once. Reported here

• Fixed issue with tracking/loading changes done by external app to attachments stored in AllMyNotes Organizer. During the UI prompt (which appeared even in background after first file change detection), the file was exclusively locked, and all further changes by external app were blacked which was preventing third-party app from saving changes. Reported here

• Some more minor refinements and fixes for better note-taking experience.

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