AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 1.17, build 173 Release

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.17, build 173 Release
Release date: December 15, 2009 - 15 years ago
• Greatly improved printing. Implemented Rich Text printing, now printout supports text formatting of any kind, coloring, and images.
• Enhanced Export feature. Now multiple folders/notes can be exported. It's enough to select folder and select Export command to export it and all sub-folders.
• Added Dutch language localization. Many thanks to Frits van Zadelhoff.
• Updated Swedish language module to include newly introduced strings. Many thanks to Leif Larsson.
• New feature in Rich Text editor: Implemented automatic indentation of new paragraph accordingly to previous paragraph indentation. For example, if currently edited line had one tab indentation in the beginning, upon pressing Enter button, new text line will have exactly same leading Tab.
• Installer remembers previous install shortcut path in Start menu.
• Fixed issue with default font size setting - it was not saved properly between app restarts.
• Fixed error with pop-up menu placement on dual-monitor systems when monitors have different screen resolution.
• Fixed bug with restoring maximized window position by clicking on window title, which was happened in same rare occasions.
• Fixed error with launching hyperlinks on some browsers. For example, Chrome wasn't working correctly if url had no "http://" prefix.
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