AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 1.24, build 192 Release

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What's new in Version 1.24, build 192 Release

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.24, build 192 Release

Release date: March 18, 2010 - 14 years ago

• Added Hungarian language translation. Muchly thanks to Tibor Kornyei for quick and precise localization!

• Updated Portuguese language translation, which includes approximately 30% of strings. Many thanks to Jaime de Sousa

• Updated Swedish language localization. Thank you, Lief Larsson!

• Implemented batch import, which allows to import more than a single file per single import operation.

• Added menu item to quickly insert numerous local file hyperlinks. Available via Edit - Insert - 'Hyperlink to File' menu item.

• URLs and local file hyperlinks can contain spaces if URL is wrapped in double-quotes.

• Added option to always show AllMyNotes on top of all other windows. Available via Options screen, in Miscellaneous section.

• A little bit improved Menu Bar appearance in skin "Deep"

• Fixed occasional crash issue which was happening with low probability on deleting folder with multiple sub-folders inside.

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