AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 1.29, build 203 Release

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What's new in Version 1.29, build 203 Release

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.29, build 203 Release

Release date: May 28, 2010 - 14 years ago

• Added Brazilian Portuguese localization. Muchly thanks to Iury Viana Guimaraes da Silva for his great translation!

• Added Bulgarian translation. All thanks to Asen Anastassov!

• Updated Spanish language translation to include all recently added strings. Many thanks to Alfredo Quevedo for his contribution!

• New feature: hyperlinks to Folders and Notes. Internal hyperlink should look like this - "link://My Data\FolderName\SubFolderName\NoteName". Yet it has to be created manually, soon we'll improve it be introducing nice UI interface.

• Implemented UI to insert internal hyperlinks between notes. Available two different approaches: (1) Edit->Insert->Insert link to Tree Item menu item; (2) via Item Information window (right click on Folder/Note, and choose Item Info from appeared pop-up menu), to this dialog is added 'Copy Link' button which copies hyperlink to the item in to the clipboard.

• Fixed minor error in URL recognition - urls that had no dots in the domain were not recognized. Example: http://localhost/

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