AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.22

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What's new in Version 2.22

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.22

Release date: September 28, 2010 - 14 years ago

• Improved Text Editor, to enable pixel-per-pixel scrolling. Previous single scrolling step was performing one text line scroll. This improvement will avoid jumping when scrolling text lines that include big images.

Updated manual to cover following recently introduced features: Alarms and Reminders, Dialing a phone, Backups, License-related questions.

• Improved file association code for launching file shortcuts - on some systems, where file associations have incorrect registration we are using alternative alternative algorithm to find correct application which is associated for opening certain file extensions.

• Few minor usability improvements in Text Editor.

• Changed look of Delete toolbar button in main skin Holy Crown.

• Fixed minor issue in Alarm edit window - repeat interval label was always Day(s), whereas it actually depends from repeat type (weeks, months, years).

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