AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.35

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.35
Release date: February 15, 2011 - 14 years ago
• Improved import of file attachments in to AllMyNotes. Now you can import multiple files per single Drag & Drop, copy-paste (from Explorer), and Edit -> Insert menu item.
• Improved Global Search Filtering performance, noticeable when need to filter more than 100 items.
• Added command-line param to skip check for multiple instances - "/skipinstancecheck", can be used to launch more than single instance of the app. Note: alternative way to have multiple instances is to launch .ddb files directly, or have shortcuts on .ddb files on your desktop.
• Added new Skin Theme "Holy Crown - Stormy Blue". Muchly thanks to Brent Kelly for this effort!
• Fixed Japanese text input. Input filed was too short to display text properly.
• Fixed random crash during Global Search - could happen on turning filtering on while search was still in progress (the case for very big data volumes).
• Fixed error with incorrect word breaking if word contained apostrophe, for example, ford "it's". Now punctuation is counted as part of words.
• Fixed issue with incorrect line height for Asian languages, such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. It was the case when line had various font heights.
• Updated Ukrainian and Russian localizations to include all recently added strings.
• This build includes Tables feature, which is currently in Beta-testing stage, and all improvements related to Tables. Particularly, implemented generic Table printing.
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