AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.65
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AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.65
Release date: August 16, 2012 - 12 years ago
• Improved Hebrew translation, now majority string are localized.
• Improved Global Search and Search/Replace dialogs - a search history is being saved even between app sessions and also enabled auto-completion to ease search for recently searched text.
• Fixed issue with "Print whole tree" option, it wasn't working in latest app version.
• No First Start Wizard on launching .ddb file from command line, which is convenient for case if the app is launched form CD/DVD.
• Fixed bug with handling .DDB file extension. Previously only upper-case extensions could be handled properly while upper-case were ignored when file name was provided as a command line argument.
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