AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.75
AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.75
Release date: September 26, 2013 - 11 years ago
• Enhanced web-capturing and import from HTML format by improving the HTML parser, particularly, on parsing URLs in <a href> and <img> tags url-encoded addresses are now being automatically decoded, which makes user editing of such URLs much easier.
• Introduced better support for PhonerLite dialer app - now, when passing the phone number to the dialer app we are stripping off all characters that this app doesn't like, however, other sotware titles (like Skype) can accept it.
• Default table frame colors can be specified in the skin .ini file (previously tree outline color was used for this purpose), see variable TextEditorDefaultTableFrameColor in the SkinInfo.ini file.
• Fixed error with opening file attachments for viewing using the external viewer app, in preceeding version (2.74) was introduced a glitch which lead to "There is no program associated with this file to perform the action" message.
• Some additional minor program improvements and fixes.
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