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How Share Data between Computers

How to share data between two or more computers via Internet?

There is many ways to do it. Particularly, we can recommend to Synchronize your files online and across computers with Dropbox (, or, SkyDrive ( Just place your storage file to Dropbox folder and you are good to go. Dropbox service is also good for backuping data.

Note: When working with file shared over the Internet, make sure to get latest version of your data file from online before editing it, otherwise some of your changes can be lost. Dropbox is doing that automatically, but in any case you need to double check that all your recent changes are there, cause in case of internet connectivity problems data on your PC can be outdated.

Note: we strongly recommend to protect your data file with password when using online services, especially if you store passwords or credit card numbers in your data file.

How to share data between computers using USB stick?

It's possible to have portable of AllMyNotes Organizer. Following steps should be taken:

1. AllMyNotes Organizer can be installed directly to USB stick, or, even no need to install - you can just copy "AllMyNotes" folder from "Program Files" folder to your USB stick, and launch it from there, it should be working without being installed on remote PC.

2. Move .dbb file to USB, which is also possible - you can copy file there, and then using File | Open menu command switch to that file.

Note: we strongly recommend to protect your data file with password when using USB for sharing data, especially if you store passwords or credit card numbers in your data file.

Later we'll do an installer which is able to do that all automatically. Sorry for temporary inconvenience.

See also: Sync hints page on our web-site

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