SupportAllMyNotes Organizer manual ‹ Topic: Support


Technical Support

This section explains how to solve problems you might encounter while using AllMyNotes Organizer

If you encounter any difficulties while using AllMyNotes Organizer

• See the Troubleshooting section.

• See the relevant section of this documentation.

• Use the technical support section of

Technical support is available to questions that are not answered in the supplied documentation and online help. To contact Technical Support:

The support is available by this link.

Note: priority support is available to all Deluxe Edition customers. To accelerate our assistance please send us your Deluxe Edition license details (activation code, or purchase order ID).

Data needed by Tech Support

Vladonai Software technical support staff may ask you to supply some of the following additional information.

App execution Log

AllMyNotes Organizer keeps a special file (AllMyNotes.log) that logs any special situations that may occur internally. This should be supplied to Technical Support in the event you receive error when using the application.

Screen captures can be helpful in many situations. To provide a screen capture:

1. In AllMyNotes Organizer press Alt+Print Screen.

2. Click in the email message field.

3. Choose Edit | Paste.

4. Send the message.

Outliner Items

If tech support needs you to send a specific Note, Topic, a .ddb file, etc., you can email the data, unless you feel that it contains your sensible private data.

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